Setting Goals Leads to Failure


What I'm about to share may contradict what you've heard before, but it's a fact. Setting goals often leads to failure. Why? Because without a clear understanding that the goal itself isn't the ultimate objective, you may or may not hit your target.

The most crucial factor is hidden in the phrase below:

Its not about the goal it’s about the journey
— Carlyle Latty

Long-term success hinges on establishing a system of habits that yield results. Yes, you heard me right. It's about comprehending and cultivating the consistency to carry out the necessary actions day in and day out to achieve your ultimate goal or objective.

If the goal is weight loss, then the objective is to comprehend the emotions driving your actions, make healthier food choices, and, above all, take that courageous first step to simply begin.

Focus Your Attention & This Will Focus Your Intention

Start by creating the intention and make it easy! For example, if your goal is to go to the gym regularly, lay out your gym clothes the night before. Some even sleep in their gym attire to streamline the process of getting out the door in the morning.

Make Time

Secondly, set the time, day, and duration, and start small. Even if you only manage to exercise for five minutes, start there. Why? Because this establishes the identity and habit of being someone who goes to the gym.

Maximise Your Output

Staying with the example above, increase the duration. Now that you've shown up, gradually extend the length of your workout.

Make It Fun

Finally, reward yourself. But remember, the reward should complement—not contradict—the system you're trying to build. It should be positive, affirming, healthy, and conducive to further development.

Like all things, success or failure begins in the mind. Your mind affirms both negative and positive thoughts you repeatedly play. So, here's a suggestion: even if you don't believe you're an athlete or disciplined individual, start small. The more you repeat the activity, regardless of its duration, the more it becomes ingrained. You may stumble along the way, and that's okay. But keep moving forward, failing forward. Stick with it.

Gradually, your self-talk and self-perception will evolve. Eventually, you'll become someone who exercises regularly, sticks to tasks, and doesn't give up. And one more thing: never compare yourself to others. Everyone starts somewhere, so don't be discouraged by someone else's success. Instead, look for similarities in the beginnings of their journey.

A word of caution: not everyone will understand your motivation for change. Some may see you as arrogant or having an inflated sense of self. But when they question your aspirations, tell them you are a child of God, created in His image.

I'd love to hear about your journey. Tag me on social media and let me know how this works for you. Alternatively, if you disagree I wanna know.


